This website is dedicated to those who wish to score a PERFECT 10 in their life.

THE PERFECT 10 website will give you keys, help and guidance toward life long happiness and success.

Why go on this website?  Why read this book?  Why did I write this book? 

What are you going to learn from me?

These are fantastic questions, and the questions I asked myself when I started this journey to write this book.

The short answers to these questions are as follows:

  • No one took the time when I was struggling through life to mentor or coach me.
  • I had to learn the happiness keys the hard way.
  • I had no one saying don’t do this, do that.
  • I had no one saying, hey this way is better.
  • I went through the sh*t, and at times hated every minute of it and hated life.

But over many, many, bloody hard years, I learned these keys to happiness, implemented these keys of happiness and turned it all around.

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